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Connecting & Configuring Fan Pass on Discord.
This guide takes you through the Installing, and Configuring process of adding Fan Pass Technology and Capabilities to your Discord Community.
First things first, there are a few prerequisites required before we can Install and Configure Fan Pass on your Discord Community. You need to Whitelist your Discord Server and Create a Fan Pass on the Shopify Store.
Once you have created your Fan Pass on Shopify, you can find your Fan Pass Contract Address under the configure settings on your Fan Pass, and then you will need to click on “Show details”:
Our Discord unlock is currently in invite-only phase so you’ll need to get in touch with your Discord Server ID and your Fan Pass Contract Address to get your Server whitelisted and your Fan Pass linked!
After your Discord Server has been whitelisted and your Fan Pass linked, you will receive an Install URL.
When you open the Install URL, you will be redirected to the following page.
<aside> <img src="/icons/ticket_pink.svg" alt="/icons/ticket_pink.svg" width="40px" /> Feel free to read the Privacy and Terms, to make sure you are happy with installing the bot on your server.
Once you click the “Install” button you will be redirected to the following page.
Make sure you select the correct sever, and then go ahead and click “Continue”
On the next screen you will see a more in depth list of permissions required by the Fan Pass Bot. Once you have read this through, feel free to click on “Authorise” to grant the Fan Pass Bot access to the selected server.
Upon granting access you should see the following:
After clicking on the “Go to Server” button, you will be redirected to your server.
And the below notification should be inside your #general chat!
Okay! Your Discord Server now has a Fan Pass Bot inside it!
Lets talk a little bit about that, when you navigate to your sever, you'll notice a few things have changed.
Firstly, a new channel has been added to your server, #connect-yourself, this server lets your community members connect their Fan Pass for access to the exclusive channels we’re going to create.
Lets create one of those exclusive channels together,
Navigate to #general, and type “/” into the message box.
<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/202aff01-61cf-453a-97a4-9f89f54c8d34/c9faa6fc-1783-4601-b00f-c4790c235513/fanpass_crad.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/202aff01-61cf-453a-97a4-9f89f54c8d34/c9faa6fc-1783-4601-b00f-c4790c235513/fanpass_crad.png" width="40px" /> CIRKAY Fan Pass Discord Commands
<aside> <img src="/icons/looped-square_gray.svg" alt="/icons/looped-square_gray.svg" width="40px" /> /connect-me For your Community to use, allows them to connect their Fan Pass
<aside> <img src="/icons/looped-square_gray.svg" alt="/icons/looped-square_gray.svg" width="40px" /> /create-channel Creates a new exclusive channel only accessible by Fan Pass holders
<aside> <img src="/icons/looped-square_gray.svg" alt="/icons/looped-square_gray.svg" width="40px" /> /debug-me Debugs the Bot and gives you a heads up on whats happening
<aside> <img src="/icons/looped-square_gray.svg" alt="/icons/looped-square_gray.svg" width="40px" /> /help Shows all the available Fan Pass Commands
Then type “/create-channel” or “/” and select “create-channel” from the list of commands.
The following box will appear in your text box, and within this box you can enter the name of your new exclusive channel.
When you’re ready, go ahead and click enter.
We have now successfully created a locked channel that only your members with a Fan Pass can access.
Next step is to configure the channel further so your members also have some permissions like the ability to send messages and files.
Go ahead and click on the “Edit Channel” button, this will take you to the Channel settings where we can update the channel’s name, topic and age restriction.
Once you have completed the Overview section, we can move onto the Permissions tab.
The top section shows you the Channel Permissions and specifically which roles and members are within the channel.
The next step is to click on “Advanced permissions”
Here you can edit exactly what your communities Fan Pass holders have access to.
<aside> <img src="/icons/binoculars_gray.svg" alt="/icons/binoculars_gray.svg" width="40px" /> View Channel ~ Is automatically approved for Fan Pass Holders.
<aside> <img src="/icons/invitation_gray.svg" alt="/icons/invitation_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Create Invite ~ We advise that you do not allow members to create Invite Links, otherwise this channel will no longer be exclusive.
<aside> <img src="/icons/conversation_gray.svg" alt="/icons/conversation_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Send Messages ~ Depending what the channel will be utilised for, it can also be nice to allow members to Send Messages and interact with other superfans or with the Artist/Band directly.
<aside> 🤑 Other Permissions ~ Other interesting permissions for your Fan Pass Holders, is to allow them to Attach Files, Add Reactions, Use External Emojis, Use External Stickers and Mention @everyone. This will likely improve the amount of interaction within the channel.
Once you are happy with your channel permissions, you are finished configuring your Discord Server with Fan Pass!
Finally, the only thing missing now is to fill your exclusive channel(s) with Fan Pass Holders or superfans!